Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Explore Austen’s Presentation Of Marriage in Pride & Prejudice Essays
Explore Austens Presentation Of Marriage in Pride & PrejudiceMarriage forms the basis of the events have in Pride and Prejudiceand is presented in various bureaus in fix up to convey to readers theimportance of it in society and the expectations which come with it.Through pop the book, Austen clarifies what makes a good marriage andhow society views marriage as a unity of equal classes and a way toestablish connections.The first aspect of marriage which is revealed is the way a personsposition in society affects the choice of partner. Austen states inthe opening line of the bookIt is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man inpossession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wifeThis line both sets out the beliefs that were held by society at thetime, but also the tone of the book and the attitudes of thecharacters featured. From this line, we can learn that societyconsidered marriage to be not only a unity of two people but also aunity of assets and connections in soci ety. The expectations held bypeople are also revealed in the way that it is evaluate of men with asound financial status to succeed in marrying a woman of equal if nothigher status in order to maintain the connections previouslyestablished. This line stresses the belief that wealth was of greatimportance in society and that it was a factor that was taken intoconsideration even in the lead be intimate and was believed to form the basis of asuccessful marriage.Another aspect portrayed by this line is the extent to which Austenincluded irony in her writing. The intelligence agency universal for exampleindicated that this is a worldwide belief, however, it is the beliefof the several characters portrayed throughout th... ...formed due to the upbringing of peoplein different classes and the fact that women at the time had truly fewrights and little independence and therefore relied on men much morethan in todays society. Due to the entire differences between theclasses, many views were held in order to keep money in one familysuch as the view of arranged marriages between relations. Society hadvery strict views on what was and was not acceptable behaviour andpeople such as Lydia who broke these unwritten codes of conductsuffered exclusion from society.Although the storyline speaks about love and marriage, it also revealsto readers other aspects of society which are not as positive, such asa marriage of convenience, and therefore helps readers to understandwhy many characters acted in the way they did and how society affectedbehaviour and influenced decisions.
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